My name Is Ruby Smith, the last child of Mr and Mrs Smith both business tycoons. I have an elder brother schooling somewhere in Africa, he is the apple of my parents eyes and me I don't really know. I am dark in complexion and slim too I am myopic so I get to use glasses often, I am a sad and depressed soul, I have no friends and my busy parent who believe I'm a failure, I wonder why they gave me the name Ruby meaning precious stone when they don't treat me like one  all my life has been centered around bitterness, hatred, anger and suicide. I always have suicidal thoughts, not until mum had us leave Canada and into London there I met the light .........
Want to know how I got free ride on with me in this series.


Episode 1

Ruby please hurry up I am running late Mrs Jasmine Smith called out to her daughter, coming mum Ruby shouted back from her room. She stood in front of her mirror looking at her frame 

Gosh I doubt if they gonna like me, I look so weird did I just say I look weird? I'm weird this is a new school, new country, new everything and honestly, I don't think I fit in here but  mum wouldn't let dad rest a bit about leaving California uhmm!! well I don't have a choice do I " Ruby !!!.

Mum I'm coming she said and hurriedly rush down stairs with her bag pack. mum I'm sorry let go  she said Ruby hurry up and grab a coffee let go am running late for the board meeting in Dallas, I have a flight to catch up with mum said, well mum I'm not hungry I have lunch packed up with me already Ruby said and hurried to the car, got in with her mum and shut the door .

Mum do you think they would like me because I feel so different, Ruby asked as they hit the road. Child it doesn't matter if they like you or not what matters is you are going there to study. But buts please her mum interrupted and drove into the school Cherryland High school was very spacious and looked so large Ruby wondered if she would be able to find her way through the buildings OMG! she exclaimed as she widened her eyes in wonder she came down gave her mum a peck and walked in.

Ruby went to the registrar get her locker key and went to the hallway traced hers and as she was walking towards it looking around at Same time she bumped into a student oh my God am sorry! she said and tried to pick up her books but the angry girl slapped her are u crazy or what? can't you just watch your way she said angrily? I'm really sorry miss, and said the stunned Ruby she obviously didn't see that coming but the girl wouldn't have it.
Look this school isn't for people like you every single thing about you irritates me she said, pushed her and went her way.

OMG! Haven't even spent an hour here and I'm already feeling rejected she said.

and stood up immediately she realized everyone was staring at her, she quickly opened her locker and dropped her bag picked the books she would need and left the locker room feeling bad. walked into the classroom and saw an empty desk at the front of the class and sat there since she was short sighted she want the best view as not to complicate things. She kept her head down and tears began to flow the embarrassment was just too much for her to bear

what on Earth have I done to deserve all that out there, 

She said in thoughts and just then she had a bang on the desk and raised up her head to see the same girl who had slapped her earlier what the heck are you doing on my desk dumb ass she asked in fury bad enough you had to ruin my morning now you sitting right on my desk 

before Ruby could give an answer the form master walked in
Hey Patricia sit down that the only available chair in this class room so stop creating a scene he said and Patricia sat down burning in anger.

Classes went fast for Ruby she couldn't even think straight anymore cause her day had been ruined .When it was time for lunch everybody left the classroom for the cafeteria except her she was scared she would land into trouble again so she laid her head on the table lost in thoughts 

OMG I don't think I can ever cope here it seems am not welcomed here

just then she heard a bang on her desk raised her head and saw Patricia grinning at her before she could blink her eyes Patricia has poured her soda all over her uniform take that silly that for trying to compete with me she said and walked out of the classroom. Ruby couldn't take it anymore she sat down in tears. mum why did u have to change country, home, school all the time this is just too much what did I ever do I can't even concentrate anymore this is unlike me ..........

Lunch time was over and everyone was back in class. Mr Alex the Arithmetic tutor was already in class solving some sums and everyone seemed busy except Ruby she couldn't concentrate and was lost in thoughts ..

Hey you get up and solve these sums for us I guess you knew Mr Alex said to Ruby but she heard nothing as her mind wondered aimlessly he walked up to her and tapped her hello! And she jerked oh oh shit she exclaimed and everyone laughed, what the heck is wrong with you Ruby are u alright? He asked yes sir no sir I mean yes sir Ruby stammered looking confused. well I see you are new here and it obvious you aren't ready to learn because this school doesn't harbour failures or mentally deranged student here he said and everyone jeered at Ruby and he continued teaching.

Hours rolled and it was time to go home Ruby had developed a cold as a results of the chilled soda Patricia  poured on her she walked down the hall way shivering and when she get to her locker she opened get her bag return some books locked up and went outside to wait for her driver she sat under a tree and was there for two hours and when her fever got worse she couldn't wait for him any longer she stood up and took a taxi home on reaching home her mum called, hello! Ruby were are you? Your driver has been waiting for like ever  Mum am home  I waited for long and  i didn't see him so I found my way home  she replied slowly what!! Do you know what you have done Ruby you just came into this city you could have gotten kidnapped or something don't ever try this again Ruby, Alright mum Ruby said and cut the call mum's words aren't even sorting she just added to my head ache she said and picked up her diary .

Dear diary I missed writing to you so much sorry I couldn't tell you everything happening lately but here I am here. 

Mum made us move from Canada to this go-dam country called London and since I step my foot here it been bad luck all through, I went to school today and damn! it wasn't pleasant I just feel rejected and dejected and mum doesn't even care about how I feel all she knows is business and has the habit of not trusting me she doesn't believe anything good can come out of me and even Mr Alex thinks am mentally unstable I don't know what to do I am depressed diary. what can I do I don't have anywhere to go since Mom and Dad got no relatives around here, dad is always on one business trip or the other and mum care less about me dairy, what if I decide to end it all here and leave planet Earth maybe mum will be happy at last because she has never encouraged me she always recounts me a failure. Well let see how things goes. she dropped her pen and closed the diary and slept off.

Alarm rings rgrgrrrrrrrrr!!!
Ouch! Ruby said and got up to turn off the alarm it morning already she said and got up, took her bath get into a lovely summer dress, pack her hair into a pony tail and wore her glasses and stare into the mirror, I sure look weird..  Ruby !!!!! Come down  for  breakfast I am running late her mum shouted from downstairs, coming mum !

Morning mum, morning Ruby how was your night  hope you slept well? Yes mum sort of wished morning never came she said and sat down to munch her sandwich, why would you say a thing like that? Her mum asked
Well I had a bad day yesterday and even caught cold mum I was Bullied from when I got into that school till it was time to go home, mum I don't want to go back there Ruby said in a teary voice.
Well child I am sorry your fees has been paid and I can't let it go just like that and besides that part of life it nothing to worry about I know you don't like discipline and you call it bullying her mum said, mum please listen to me ........ Hush not another word from you I know you just looking for an excuse to escape discipline and don't discuss this with me ever again okay and hurry up the driver awaits you with that her mum got up and dashed out of the house ...

Ruby get to school early and quietly sat on her desk she wasn't ready for any embarrassment so she opened her science book to read just then a tall handsome looking dude walked into the class and went straight to her desk hey he said and she jerked hi hi hi she stammered looks like you knew what your name? I'm Ruby Smith she said  trying not to look nervous oh that nice well am Jordan and a member of this class I couldn't make it to school yesterday that you you don't know me can I sit he asked sure sure she stammered well what are you reading Jordan asked?  My science book she replied wow! you must be a book worm he said Smiling and grinning at her that she wished he could just close his teeth as he was grinning like an idiot. thanks she said(I wished you can just stop talking and let me read she said in thoughts) well well well I love your hair he said and tried to touch her hair but she removed his hand stop it please I am trying to concentrate here she said
Oh really you aren't even happy someone of my status is trying to make friends with an imp like you Jordan responded and she looked at him in shock and what that supposed to mean she asked well Patricia told me about you just thought to come and check you out since I love to make out with weirdos like you he said and Drew her close to him but she pushed him and gave him a slap, now I might look like an imp to you but I wouldn't tolerate perverts like you around me you disgust me she said and walked out of the class .
Well I will get you baby he said and still held on to the cheek. Just then Patricia walked in what going on here Jordan why you looking like someone who has seen a ghost she asked him
Tricia can u believe that imp just slapped me because I told her I was interested in her he said boiling in anger
Ouch! my bad I told you she isn't worth it but you insisted you have taste for weirdos she said with a grin
Well sis I aren't backing out I will deal with her we own this school and we rule it Jordan said and went to his seat.

All along Ruby had been behind the door listening to their conversation and was gasping for breath I am not sure am safe here mum I Hate you so much .......

Sam you would have to play nice and not nasty we need to know something about her so at least we can nail her down okay! Jordan said to Sam his best friend one evening .
Well that no big deal no one dares Lord Jordan and goes Scot free!!!!!

Episode 2 loading..............

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Episode 2

Ruby screamed and passed out and Jordan and Sam rushed out and saw her lying on the floor behind the door. 

OMG she must have heard all we said Sam said panicking as other student gathered and rushed her to the sick bay. 

What are we gonna do Jordan our plans are been licked out am sure she fainted out of shock Sam said in fright .

Plan B Jordan replied smiling....

Ruby woke up with her head pounding 

"We're am I she asked  the nurse 

Calm down Sweetie you passed out in class and was rushed here few hours ago she replied smiling sweetly at her. 

Um!  I feel so heavy right now Ruby said and sat up 

Calmed down Sweetie we ran some test it nothing serious the nurse replied as she helped Ruby up .

Well what does the tests say she asked worried 

Um you are stressed you have fever and it seems you have been thinking too much lately you are too young to go through stress okay

Alright ma'am Ruby replied and laid back.

Ruby what wrong with you the doctor says you have high blood pressure what could be going on in your head Mrs Jasmine asked her daughter later that day 

Mum am fine  just stressed  from school activities that all Ruby replied 

Well I just want you to be fine okay because my business will suffer if you keep falling I'll like this she said and left .

" Mum is always thinking about her business what do I do Jordan is out to hurt me I didn't Know who the second person was I only eveas dropped oh Lord help me ""

Days passed and Ruby was back to school again she avoided Patricia and her friends and tried to focus on her studies but she was bent on making life hell for her in that class .

Hey you get your books of my desk Patricia said to her one morning oh am sorry Ruby said and picked them up and sat back .Ruby do you know you look like a monkey and you should actually be in the zoo not in this class you actually look like a scare crow Patricia said and the whole class  roared into laughter twas too much for Ruby she just kept her head down as tears started dripping from her eyes .she had wished the floor would open and swallow her that minutes just then Mr Alex the Arithmetic tutor walked in ,"morning class I am so disappointed in some of you expecially you Ruby do you think this school is for retarded students ?huh? What this he said and threw the paper at her you couldn't even get a C not even a D you fucking got an F and you think you gonna get to grade 11 now you aren't serious yet he said and stormed out of the class. 

You see you such a block head someone said and laughter continued. 

It was time for lunch and Ruby stood up and went to the field and she sat down and let out her emotions " this is too much for me to bear just too much I can't believe I would go through this honestly it just too much and I feel so useless to everyone including my self she said .

You aren't useless to me  thou some one said and she turned and saw Sam smiling at her 

Who are you and what do you want have you come here to make fun of me like the others? She asked 

No I have come to be that friend you never had he said and sat down next to her look I know you would think am like others but am not have noticed everything about you, you are always been bullied by tutors and classmates don't worry all is gonna be well okay he said and put his hands on her shoulder, don't cry come on!  don't thank you so much just heard the kindest words I haven't heard in years thank you she said stood up wiped her tears and left him there . 

Good one I got her Sam said as he hang out with Jordan that evening 

Well she will have to feel my wrought she thinks am some one she can mess around with Jordan said and smiled. 

Dear dairy today was more than worst for me but as usual I could only let it out in tears 

I want to the field today and some guy came wanting to be friends with me but seriously I couldn't buy his words it seemed like a setup I heard that voice talking to Jordan when I eveas dropped last week and damn it could just be another plan of his I rather remain this way than invite such friend into my life I just have to play along right now I just have too. she  dropped her pen and slept off .

Took her dairy to school next day so she could spend time writing on it instead of crying all the time left it in her bag and went to get some snacks from the cafeteria .

Got back and saw Patricia reading her dairy to the whole class .

She got So! mad that she ran and snatched the dairy from her and gave her a slap how dare you meddle into my private life how dare you Ruby screamed she was so mad that she have Patricia another slap and the shocked Patricia slapped Ruby and pulled her hair and they fought .

How dare you Ruby 

How dare you try to hurt my daughter Patricia mum screamed at her later that day at the principal's office 

Calm down ma'am we are on top of this situation 

Okay Mr Clinton said 

Well miss Ruby you should have reported to your form mistress when she did that mean while you aren't supposed to bring your dairy to school it private and for that you are been suspended for two weeks now leave .

Hot tears filled her eyes as she stepped  out of school that evening she knew her mum was not going to take it easy with her she got home and laid on her bed crying till she slept off. 

Ruby wake up it time for school hurry up or you gonna be late Mrs Jasmine called out to Ruby the next day Ruby got up with swollen eyes and walked downstairs to see her dad sitting to breakfast he hadn't been at home for weeks now and he came  home unannounced or at list she wasn't expecting him .

" Morning Dad " morning mum 

She greeted 

And why are you still dressed in your pyjamas her mum asked 

I em I uhn I got suspended she said slowly 

Whaaaaaaaat her dad exclaimed 

What for what have you done this time I knew it you are just a failure I just can't understand why you can't be like your brother Jack you are just empty upstairs he said fuming.  

And what was your offence Ruby her mum asked angrily 

I fought with a girl she actually read out my dairy to the whole class I am sorry mum I was angry I couldn't control it she said in. Tears 

And and dad got up and slapped her 

You such a disgrace to this family he said and walked out of the house .

Ruby am so disappointed in you now leave my presence her mum screamed and Ruby rushed back to her room and shut the door .

" OMG dad and mum are worst right now I can't believe dad will say all he said am just tired I feel like giving up right now no one to turn too "

And she stayed in her room throughout out her suspension the cook was always bringing in her food as her parents didn't want to set there eyes on her .

Weeks later she resumed school and sat down on her desk trying to read to catch up since exams was around the corner 

And Sam walked up to her and sat next to her 

Hi why have you been avoiding me he asked 

Nothing I was suspended just got back so I don't know what you talking about Ruby said and continued reading 

Come on!  stop this he said and snatched the book from her please give me back book she said but he stood up and started running round the class she stood up and chased him. Too and just then Patricia walked in and saw her crush chasing Ruby she was really mad here goes miss decent I thought you were a saint and that you groping all over  a boy isssh!  you disgust me she said and sat down and Sam roared in laughter 

Come on! Tricia how on Earth do you think I will fall for such a nerd like Ruby he said and drop her book on the floor and went to sit with Patricia it all a prank and she fell for it   .Ruby was shocked but said nothing she picked her book and sat down to read but she couldn't concentrate so Sam was a snake too her instinct was right but she doubted a little as she tried to read again 

Patricia and Sam mocked her from behind 

Dummy stop trying to read you Won't still pass the exams trust me Sam said smiling sheepishly. 

That if she can read what she wrote Tricia said and they both roared in laughter.

And Ruby stood up and left the class .

She got home and sat on her bed lost in thoughts what do I do now I can't afford to fail and still I can't comprehend everything it just too much for me she said and slept off.  

Ruby I want to ask you a question and I want you to answer me as quickly as you can Mrs Jasmine said to her daughter one Saturday morning 

Alright mum 

Are you pregnant?

Huh? Mum were is that question coming from I don't understand Ruby replied in shock 

Answer me and don't waste my time  

Mum am not have never been why a this questions 

Because I don't trust you I don't your principal said you were alone with boy in the field when your dairy was been read and for days now you always sleeping at home you don't watch TV anymore and don't have appetite any more and those are signs of pregnancy. 

Mum I can't believe you are saying this I'm just stressed out that the only way I can rest by sleeping and as for TV I have exams coming up mum I'm really disappointed in you Ruby said and her mum gave her a slap how dare you speak to me like that what wrong with you she asked angrily 

" Mum I don't care about what you think about me anymore you don't actually care about me you always have something negative to say about me you know what I hate you mum she said and went to her room and shut the door. 

Ruby come back here don't worry no allowances for you from now on her mum said and left the house angrily .

Soon exams came and passed and rubby just scored pass Mark and was surprised about it because she never expected to have gotten anything except F she was happy but her parents weren't 

Ruby I pay your fees I feed you and gave you everything and this how you want to pay me right her dad said fuming you are such a disgrace you are staining the family's name, we are all scholars and you know it I just don't know were  you got your brains from he said and stormed out angrily. 

Now this is too much for me  Ruby said and went to her room took a bottle and drank from it and passed out. 

The story continue 

Episode 3 Loading.... 


Episode 3 

OMG Ruby wake up wake up  Mrs Jasmine screamed as she tried to wake her daughter up. Ruby went upstairs that morning and didn't come out till that moment it was already evening and her door was locked she knocked and received no response so she had to call the driver to break there door and saw Ruby lying lifeless on the ground without wasting time Ruby was rushed to the hospital. 

Doctor what is wrong with my daughter she asked panicking, 

Calm down ma'am your daughter is safe now she took an over dose of sleeping syrup you brought her here on time and am glad to tell you she is safe now it didn't damage her organs . 

OMG Ruby why did you do this her mum said lamenting and pacing up and down .

Calm down ma'am Jasmine you can see her now doc said and walked out. 

Ruby woke up with a migraine and was just staring into space. 

" What am I doing here I just wanted to sleep away and let my family be she thought. 

Ruby why did you do that ? He r mum asked as she walked in to the ward .

Are you are doctor ? Why do u derive joy in hurting your parents all the time you lucky you scaled through try attempting sucide and I will make sure you regretted it rubbish she said and left the ward .


" Obviously am not wanted my brother is the star of the family and me worthless I will just keep them on the background for now "

School resumed and Ruby went to school with a different mindset she felt she was worthless and didn't want to associate with any one but they was a new student sitting on Patricia seat next to hers not entirely new she had transferred from Arts to science classes. Lucy was her name she was a cheerful and carefree girl she greeted Ruby as she settled down but Ruby murmured greetings to her she wasn't ready for another drama as she wanted to mind her business this academic session as she was kin on upgrading her grades . And surprisingly Patricia didn't attack Lucy for sitting on her seat she had changed desk and was now sitting with Sam in the next roll rumours had it that they had started dating but Ruby was less concerned she just wanted to be left alone. 

Classes went on and soon twas time for lunch and Lucy bought lunch for two and gave a pack of sandwiches to Ruby who was shocked as she had never received any kind gesture since she started schooling there 

Um thanks A lot Lucy am glad you thought to get me something makes me feel special in a way.  She said and Lucy smiles at her and continued eating .Days passed it ran into weeks and months as Lucy and Ruby became best of friends they literally did everything together wore matching outfits did home work together and Ruby seemed to improve she started to feel accepted and  to crown it all Patricia wasn't on her case like twas at first she was focused on her new boyfriend and that was what mattered to her .Ruby was beginning to think all her problems were gone until something happened. 

Ruby and Lucy had to share a locker in the hallway for 10 graders cos Lucy was late and Ruby who was obsessed with chocolate had the habit of storing them there one morning Lucy got to school earlier and  opened up the locker to get her books for that day's class and saw some Swiss chocolate and decided to take them she took some and stood there eating and Patricia happened to pass by. 

OMG is that Swiss chocolate she asked excitedly because  she had always had cravings for them and Lucy nodded. 

Can I have some pleassssssse!  she asked and Lucy without thinking gave Patricia  everything remaining and she left happily not knowing it belonged to Ruby.

Ruby came in later and during lunch time she went to the locker to get her chocolate but couldn't find them she searched countless times cos she was sure she left them there but still couldn't find them she went to the class to meet Lucy. 

" Lucy please did you kinda take my chocolate ? I can't find them she asked quietly.  

What that supposed to mean Ruby are you trying to call me a thief Lucy asked raising her voice and causing a scene right in the class and  got everyone's attention. 

No no I just want to know so I don't get worried besides we share same space in the hallway Ruby said politely. 


Ruby I have always known you to be a snake and nothing more so what if I took your chocolate is this how you gonna embarrass me huh Lucy asked in anger 

Come on!  Lucy it not like that Ruby said but Lucy wasn't done yet. 


You know what Ruby I regretted ever knowing you and been friends with you little wonder why no one wanna be friends with you cos you don't worth it you damn Possessed if you can't see it I can you weren't even glad I stopped low to been friends with a nerd and low life like you I hate you so much rn she said and packed her books and changed desk.  Leaving a shocked Ruby standing there in tears. 

Uhhh that was so touching Patricia said smilling anyways thanks for the chocolate Ruby I enjoyed em Swiss chocolate taste differently she said and left the class.

Ruby ran out to the field to pour out her emotions OMG I can't believe I would have to go through all this again just when I thought u had passed all and was safe why do this things keep coming my way it just toomuch for me to bear  she said as she cried the more just when I thought the best things  had started to come my way for the first time I felt loved and now all this. 

That evening she refused dinner and couldn't sleep for a sec twas just toomuch for her to bear she wrote" Dr diary my heart is filled with somuch pain and I can't bear it anymore if help dosnt  come I will have to take my life cos rn am alone."

Weeks passed and exams were written and Ruby failed she couldn't even concentrate on her exams everything affected her somuch that she couldn't read well and had to repeat grade 10 .she saw her results and kept it in her backpack and walked into the field  and sat there. 

I failed once dad couldn't even listen to what I had to say now am to repeat the grade and I don't know what his reactions would be I don't know. 

I just need peace ,pain reliver ,and strength rn I need to release all the heaviness in my heart and I don't know who to talk too she said in tears just then she heard a voice. 

" You can talk to my father he is always ready to listen to you " she turned and saw the most handsome dude she had ever seen all her life.