My name Is Ruby Smith, the last child of Mr and Mrs Smith both business tycoons. I have an elder brother schooling somewhere in Africa, he is the apple of my parents eyes and me I don't really know. I am dark in complexion and slim too I am myopic so I get to use glasses often, I am a sad and depressed soul, I have no friends and my busy parent who believe I'm a failure, I wonder why they gave me the name Ruby meaning precious stone when they don't treat me like one  all my life has been centered around bitterness, hatred, anger and suicide. I always have suicidal thoughts, not until mum had us leave Canada and into London there I met the light .........
Want to know how I got free ride on with me in this series.


Episode 1

Ruby please hurry up I am running late Mrs Jasmine Smith called out to her daughter, coming mum Ruby shouted back from her room. She stood in front of her mirror looking at her frame 

Gosh I doubt if they gonna like me, I look so weird did I just say I look weird? I'm weird this is a new school, new country, new everything and honestly, I don't think I fit in here but  mum wouldn't let dad rest a bit about leaving California uhmm!! well I don't have a choice do I " Ruby !!!.

Mum I'm coming she said and hurriedly rush down stairs with her bag pack. mum I'm sorry let go  she said Ruby hurry up and grab a coffee let go am running late for the board meeting in Dallas, I have a flight to catch up with mum said, well mum I'm not hungry I have lunch packed up with me already Ruby said and hurried to the car, got in with her mum and shut the door .

Mum do you think they would like me because I feel so different, Ruby asked as they hit the road. Child it doesn't matter if they like you or not what matters is you are going there to study. But buts please her mum interrupted and drove into the school Cherryland High school was very spacious and looked so large Ruby wondered if she would be able to find her way through the buildings OMG! she exclaimed as she widened her eyes in wonder she came down gave her mum a peck and walked in.

Ruby went to the registrar get her locker key and went to the hallway traced hers and as she was walking towards it looking around at Same time she bumped into a student oh my God am sorry! she said and tried to pick up her books but the angry girl slapped her are u crazy or what? can't you just watch your way she said angrily? I'm really sorry miss, and said the stunned Ruby she obviously didn't see that coming but the girl wouldn't have it.
Look this school isn't for people like you every single thing about you irritates me she said, pushed her and went her way.

OMG! Haven't even spent an hour here and I'm already feeling rejected she said.

and stood up immediately she realized everyone was staring at her, she quickly opened her locker and dropped her bag picked the books she would need and left the locker room feeling bad. walked into the classroom and saw an empty desk at the front of the class and sat there since she was short sighted she want the best view as not to complicate things. She kept her head down and tears began to flow the embarrassment was just too much for her to bear

what on Earth have I done to deserve all that out there, 

She said in thoughts and just then she had a bang on the desk and raised up her head to see the same girl who had slapped her earlier what the heck are you doing on my desk dumb ass she asked in fury bad enough you had to ruin my morning now you sitting right on my desk 

before Ruby could give an answer the form master walked in
Hey Patricia sit down that the only available chair in this class room so stop creating a scene he said and Patricia sat down burning in anger.

Classes went fast for Ruby she couldn't even think straight anymore cause her day had been ruined .When it was time for lunch everybody left the classroom for the cafeteria except her she was scared she would land into trouble again so she laid her head on the table lost in thoughts 

OMG I don't think I can ever cope here it seems am not welcomed here

just then she heard a bang on her desk raised her head and saw Patricia grinning at her before she could blink her eyes Patricia has poured her soda all over her uniform take that silly that for trying to compete with me she said and walked out of the classroom. Ruby couldn't take it anymore she sat down in tears. mum why did u have to change country, home, school all the time this is just too much what did I ever do I can't even concentrate anymore this is unlike me ..........

Lunch time was over and everyone was back in class. Mr Alex the Arithmetic tutor was already in class solving some sums and everyone seemed busy except Ruby she couldn't concentrate and was lost in thoughts ..

Hey you get up and solve these sums for us I guess you knew Mr Alex said to Ruby but she heard nothing as her mind wondered aimlessly he walked up to her and tapped her hello! And she jerked oh oh shit she exclaimed and everyone laughed, what the heck is wrong with you Ruby are u alright? He asked yes sir no sir I mean yes sir Ruby stammered looking confused. well I see you are new here and it obvious you aren't ready to learn because this school doesn't harbour failures or mentally deranged student here he said and everyone jeered at Ruby and he continued teaching.

Hours rolled and it was time to go home Ruby had developed a cold as a results of the chilled soda Patricia  poured on her she walked down the hall way shivering and when she get to her locker she opened get her bag return some books locked up and went outside to wait for her driver she sat under a tree and was there for two hours and when her fever got worse she couldn't wait for him any longer she stood up and took a taxi home on reaching home her mum called, hello! Ruby were are you? Your driver has been waiting for like ever  Mum am home  I waited for long and  i didn't see him so I found my way home  she replied slowly what!! Do you know what you have done Ruby you just came into this city you could have gotten kidnapped or something don't ever try this again Ruby, Alright mum Ruby said and cut the call mum's words aren't even sorting she just added to my head ache she said and picked up her diary .

Dear diary I missed writing to you so much sorry I couldn't tell you everything happening lately but here I am here. 

Mum made us move from Canada to this go-dam country called London and since I step my foot here it been bad luck all through, I went to school today and damn! it wasn't pleasant I just feel rejected and dejected and mum doesn't even care about how I feel all she knows is business and has the habit of not trusting me she doesn't believe anything good can come out of me and even Mr Alex thinks am mentally unstable I don't know what to do I am depressed diary. what can I do I don't have anywhere to go since Mom and Dad got no relatives around here, dad is always on one business trip or the other and mum care less about me dairy, what if I decide to end it all here and leave planet Earth maybe mum will be happy at last because she has never encouraged me she always recounts me a failure. Well let see how things goes. she dropped her pen and closed the diary and slept off.

Alarm rings rgrgrrrrrrrrr!!!
Ouch! Ruby said and got up to turn off the alarm it morning already she said and got up, took her bath get into a lovely summer dress, pack her hair into a pony tail and wore her glasses and stare into the mirror, I sure look weird..  Ruby !!!!! Come down  for  breakfast I am running late her mum shouted from downstairs, coming mum !

Morning mum, morning Ruby how was your night  hope you slept well? Yes mum sort of wished morning never came she said and sat down to munch her sandwich, why would you say a thing like that? Her mum asked
Well I had a bad day yesterday and even caught cold mum I was Bullied from when I got into that school till it was time to go home, mum I don't want to go back there Ruby said in a teary voice.
Well child I am sorry your fees has been paid and I can't let it go just like that and besides that part of life it nothing to worry about I know you don't like discipline and you call it bullying her mum said, mum please listen to me ........ Hush not another word from you I know you just looking for an excuse to escape discipline and don't discuss this with me ever again okay and hurry up the driver awaits you with that her mum got up and dashed out of the house ...

Ruby get to school early and quietly sat on her desk she wasn't ready for any embarrassment so she opened her science book to read just then a tall handsome looking dude walked into the class and went straight to her desk hey he said and she jerked hi hi hi she stammered looks like you knew what your name? I'm Ruby Smith she said  trying not to look nervous oh that nice well am Jordan and a member of this class I couldn't make it to school yesterday that you you don't know me can I sit he asked sure sure she stammered well what are you reading Jordan asked?  My science book she replied wow! you must be a book worm he said Smiling and grinning at her that she wished he could just close his teeth as he was grinning like an idiot. thanks she said(I wished you can just stop talking and let me read she said in thoughts) well well well I love your hair he said and tried to touch her hair but she removed his hand stop it please I am trying to concentrate here she said
Oh really you aren't even happy someone of my status is trying to make friends with an imp like you Jordan responded and she looked at him in shock and what that supposed to mean she asked well Patricia told me about you just thought to come and check you out since I love to make out with weirdos like you he said and Drew her close to him but she pushed him and gave him a slap, now I might look like an imp to you but I wouldn't tolerate perverts like you around me you disgust me she said and walked out of the class .
Well I will get you baby he said and still held on to the cheek. Just then Patricia walked in what going on here Jordan why you looking like someone who has seen a ghost she asked him
Tricia can u believe that imp just slapped me because I told her I was interested in her he said boiling in anger
Ouch! my bad I told you she isn't worth it but you insisted you have taste for weirdos she said with a grin
Well sis I aren't backing out I will deal with her we own this school and we rule it Jordan said and went to his seat.

All along Ruby had been behind the door listening to their conversation and was gasping for breath I am not sure am safe here mum I Hate you so much .......

Sam you would have to play nice and not nasty we need to know something about her so at least we can nail her down okay! Jordan said to Sam his best friend one evening .
Well that no big deal no one dares Lord Jordan and goes Scot free!!!!!

Episode 2 loading..............

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