Episode 3 

OMG Ruby wake up wake up  Mrs Jasmine screamed as she tried to wake her daughter up. Ruby went upstairs that morning and didn't come out till that moment it was already evening and her door was locked she knocked and received no response so she had to call the driver to break there door and saw Ruby lying lifeless on the ground without wasting time Ruby was rushed to the hospital. 

Doctor what is wrong with my daughter she asked panicking, 

Calm down ma'am your daughter is safe now she took an over dose of sleeping syrup you brought her here on time and am glad to tell you she is safe now it didn't damage her organs . 

OMG Ruby why did you do this her mum said lamenting and pacing up and down .

Calm down ma'am Jasmine you can see her now doc said and walked out. 

Ruby woke up with a migraine and was just staring into space. 

" What am I doing here I just wanted to sleep away and let my family be she thought. 

Ruby why did you do that ? He r mum asked as she walked in to the ward .

Are you are doctor ? Why do u derive joy in hurting your parents all the time you lucky you scaled through try attempting sucide and I will make sure you regretted it rubbish she said and left the ward .


" Obviously am not wanted my brother is the star of the family and me worthless I will just keep them on the background for now "

School resumed and Ruby went to school with a different mindset she felt she was worthless and didn't want to associate with any one but they was a new student sitting on Patricia seat next to hers not entirely new she had transferred from Arts to science classes. Lucy was her name she was a cheerful and carefree girl she greeted Ruby as she settled down but Ruby murmured greetings to her she wasn't ready for another drama as she wanted to mind her business this academic session as she was kin on upgrading her grades . And surprisingly Patricia didn't attack Lucy for sitting on her seat she had changed desk and was now sitting with Sam in the next roll rumours had it that they had started dating but Ruby was less concerned she just wanted to be left alone. 

Classes went on and soon twas time for lunch and Lucy bought lunch for two and gave a pack of sandwiches to Ruby who was shocked as she had never received any kind gesture since she started schooling there 

Um thanks A lot Lucy am glad you thought to get me something makes me feel special in a way.  She said and Lucy smiles at her and continued eating .Days passed it ran into weeks and months as Lucy and Ruby became best of friends they literally did everything together wore matching outfits did home work together and Ruby seemed to improve she started to feel accepted and  to crown it all Patricia wasn't on her case like twas at first she was focused on her new boyfriend and that was what mattered to her .Ruby was beginning to think all her problems were gone until something happened. 

Ruby and Lucy had to share a locker in the hallway for 10 graders cos Lucy was late and Ruby who was obsessed with chocolate had the habit of storing them there one morning Lucy got to school earlier and  opened up the locker to get her books for that day's class and saw some Swiss chocolate and decided to take them she took some and stood there eating and Patricia happened to pass by. 

OMG is that Swiss chocolate she asked excitedly because  she had always had cravings for them and Lucy nodded. 

Can I have some pleassssssse!  she asked and Lucy without thinking gave Patricia  everything remaining and she left happily not knowing it belonged to Ruby.

Ruby came in later and during lunch time she went to the locker to get her chocolate but couldn't find them she searched countless times cos she was sure she left them there but still couldn't find them she went to the class to meet Lucy. 

" Lucy please did you kinda take my chocolate ? I can't find them she asked quietly.  

What that supposed to mean Ruby are you trying to call me a thief Lucy asked raising her voice and causing a scene right in the class and  got everyone's attention. 

No no I just want to know so I don't get worried besides we share same space in the hallway Ruby said politely. 


Ruby I have always known you to be a snake and nothing more so what if I took your chocolate is this how you gonna embarrass me huh Lucy asked in anger 

Come on!  Lucy it not like that Ruby said but Lucy wasn't done yet. 


You know what Ruby I regretted ever knowing you and been friends with you little wonder why no one wanna be friends with you cos you don't worth it you damn Possessed if you can't see it I can you weren't even glad I stopped low to been friends with a nerd and low life like you I hate you so much rn she said and packed her books and changed desk.  Leaving a shocked Ruby standing there in tears. 

Uhhh that was so touching Patricia said smilling anyways thanks for the chocolate Ruby I enjoyed em Swiss chocolate taste differently she said and left the class.

Ruby ran out to the field to pour out her emotions OMG I can't believe I would have to go through all this again just when I thought u had passed all and was safe why do this things keep coming my way it just toomuch for me to bear  she said as she cried the more just when I thought the best things  had started to come my way for the first time I felt loved and now all this. 

That evening she refused dinner and couldn't sleep for a sec twas just toomuch for her to bear she wrote" Dr diary my heart is filled with somuch pain and I can't bear it anymore if help dosnt  come I will have to take my life cos rn am alone."

Weeks passed and exams were written and Ruby failed she couldn't even concentrate on her exams everything affected her somuch that she couldn't read well and had to repeat grade 10 .she Read more