1. Don't cut your hair yourself — find a specialist.

None of my struggles is helped by the fact that I fancy myself an amateur — major emphasis on the word "amateur" — haircutter. Armed with those salon-style scissors you can pick up at the drugstore, I've hacked away at my hair for years. And for the most part, it's looked okay to the layman.

Stylists, on the other hand, know something untoward has been going on. On the rare occasion I visit a salon, I know it's just a matter of time before my stylist casually asks, "So, uh, who cuts your hair?" For the most part they kindly bite their tongue when I sheepishly tell them I do it myself, biting my own tongue before adding, "There's a reason I'm using a Groupon right now!"

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Money is just one part of the equation, though — I've found over the years that a lot of stylists, even the best of the best, just don't know what to do with curly hair. Curls can't be cut or styled the same way as straight hair, which is why stylists and beauty retailers specializing in spirals are a boon to people like me. If you've had trouble, check Yelp, search Google, and ask your curly-haired friends for recommendations so you can avoid getting a bad cut from someone who's not sure how your particular texture works.

2. Find the right cut and style for you.

Unfortunately, there's no universal cut that works on those of us with curls. Stylists have to take into account a number of variables, including an individual's curl type, face shape, and (of course) personality. If you see a celeb with a similar hair texture and face shape to yours with a great cut, ask your stylist if it might work for you.

One thing pretty much every head of curls should have? "Layers!" says Lyvar, adding that they're the best way to battle the dreaded "pyramid hair" that so many heads of curly hair are susceptible to.

3. Keep your hair healthy with proper styling.

As for styling, it's important to avoid too much heat if you want healthy curls that grow long and strong. If you are going to blow dry your hair, a diffuser is key to keeping your curls' shape. After washing your hair, squeeze it out and apply a leave-in conditioner or mousse. Twirl your hair into your desired shape, then pop it into the diffuser and let it dry. Read more